What I can tell, the main differences between the two dresses, personalities, perspectives on life and perception of themselves. For starters, children more scene's did not discuss or admit to being the stage. (Why? According to some, only "dilemmas" [Phonies] is called scene, which seems less fresh. That and the fact that kids don't like being labeled scene, even as «scene».) Many of them often wear colorful costumes, hairstyles, and accessories. They also have a very blatant and bubbly, outgoing and confident personality and tend to be quite happy with his life. Emo boys tend to use darker colors, are very thoughtful and often socially withdrawn (except perhaps of other emo kids) and seem to be quite discontent with life. And thus, this article focuses primarily on the scene, not emo.
Some of these same people have become celebrities in line/internet, famous for their images, their fashion sense, his hair and his personality. Some of them also have their own lines of clothing and merchandising. Girls seem to be the dominant culture of the scene now, although there are some boys in the famous scene as well. Most popular girls are called "scene Queens". Among them-Audrey Kitching, Jac Vanek, Hanna Beth and Kiki Kannibal, only to name a few. Any of them and you will find many of their sites websites and fan of Google.
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
scene girl hairstyles 2009 natural scene hairstyles
Scene fashion involves three things-- clothing and accessories, hairstyle, and makeup. As far as clothing and accessories are concerned, if you Google "scene style" and then click on images, you'll see that most scene fashion involves a lot of color and often eccentric taste. Basic staples of this fashion genre include brighly colored clothing and accessories/jewelry, vintage t-shirts, DIY clothing, the "scene diamond/gem" symbol (like the jewelry seen in photo above), the "brass knuckles" symbol (silver piece of jewelry located near blonde on bottom right is an example), and more. Other famous brands among scenesters (and elsewhere) include Skelanimals, Hello Kitty and Jessica Louise.
The makeup and hairstyles are just as colorful and eccentric as the fashion is. The hair can be any color- bright pink, green, blue, purple,--- and often (but not always) styled with a poufy crown up top of the head, with piecy straight ends. Sometimes hairpieces and extensions are used to make the hair look thicker and fuller. Coontails-- which look like racoon tails, but worn in one's hair-- are sometimes worn. Sometimes hairpieces with leopard or zebra print patterns are used instead of coontails. The makeup staples often involves heavy black eyeliner along with different colored eyeshadows and/or lipsticks. There are plenty of YouTube video tutorials on scene hairstyles and makeup for those who want ideas.